Important Aspects of Money Market Funds

Money Market Funds pic
Money Market Funds pic
Money Market Funds

In 1984, Steven Prusky graduated with honors from Brown University with a degree in computer science. After working first as a summer employee, then full-time (for 20 years) at Windsor Securities, an SEC-Registered Investment advisor company, Steven Prusky purchased Windsor in 2005.

Money market funds are a type of mutual fund generally considered low risk compared to other mutual funds because they invest in high quality, temporary debt securities. Money market funds pay dividends that typically reflect the current short-term interest rates. Aside from this, a money market fund is not federally protected.

Money market funds can be redeemed. In addition, money market funds have the ability to let investors sell their shares back to the money market fund at any given day following the net asset value.

Lastly, unlike other mutual funds, a money market fund is done by using valuation conventions when valuing the fund assets and special pricing.